The some gatherings of the Tohoku great disaster, a big earthquake, a massive tsunami, and a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident, were held in the Hiroshima city around the second anniversary March 11. I participated one of the gatherings in conjunction with Fukushima nuclear plant accident while thinking of people suffered from the great disaster.
And I would like to write what I felt about that.
There was an opportunity we invited the person who worked for the Board of Education of the Fukushima prefecture as a lecture, and to hear to the stories that it was under present conditions of the support to high school students. After his lecture, I asked him following questions about children of Fukushima. As for it, do they in how much conversion annual multiplication space radiation dose now? In addition, what kind of attitude are you for about it in the Board of Education?
I am concerned about of the space radiation dose very much. I can read the data of prefectural office cities of the whole country in Mainichi newspaper every day. When exchanging the space radiation dose in the Hiroshima city of March 11 this year to numerical value of one year according to the data, it was 0.68 millimeters Sievert. We have not exceeded numerical value of 1mSv in Hiroshima for these two years. On the other hand, it was 7.1Sievert of approximately 10 times than Hiroshima city in the Fukushima city on the same day. I think that it “will be terrible leaving” now in future that children and adult people must live in environment more than 1mSv.
The permission radiation doses in Japan were less than 1mSv in the general public area before the nuclear plant accident, and it was less than 5mSv in the radiation management areas such as the X-rays facilities of the hospital. It is said that many children are exposed to radiation more than numerical value of 1mSv of the maximum permissible dose or 5mSv in Fukushima prefecture for these two years. Even if the inside is at increased risk for being exposed to radiation through breathing and food, it is said the outside numerical value of the outside radiation exposure radiation dose is high. It is exposed to low dose of radioactivity inside radiation exposure by a radiation material taken in the body by breathing and food.
There is an image in commemoration of the girl who died of leukemia after radiation exposure by the A-bomb throwing down for ten years in Hiroshima city. Healthy damage such as the breast cancer with the depleted uranium shell which the United States Armed Forces used ten years after that Iraqi War is conveyed from Iraq now. What will happen to Chernobyl now?
They are anxious about healthy damage caused by the radioactivity very much in the Fukushima prefecture, and there are some school teachers wrestling for a present conditions breakthrough for the health damage for children in particular. They demand a present condition breakthrough from the Board of Education strongly because they think in the school teachers, but there seems to be a case standing alone without their thought knowing it in the authorities. Such teacher seemed to do outside the prefecture emigration with a family out of necessity for the safe environment.
They are anxious about healthy damage caused by the radioactivity very much in the Fukushima prefecture, and there are some school teachers wrestling for a present conditions breakthrough for the health damage for children in particular. They demand a present condition breakthrough from the Board of Education strongly because they think in the school teachers, but there seems to be a case standing alone without their thought knowing it in the authorities. Such teacher seemed to do outside the prefecture emigration with a family out of necessity for the safe environment.
The lecture answered it with a state of the sorrow for my question by the opinion of the authorities, “the prefecture Board of Education was not the decided numerical value that annual multiplication space radiation dose 1mSv affected the health now”.
「わずか5時間の滞在であったが、自分が体内に放射性物質を取り込まないようにと思って歩いたのでその緊張のためか疲れてしまった。そして感じた。このような緊張が続いていたらこの町には住めない。緊張しないようにしなければこの町には住めない。市民は原発事故前の生活に近い生活を選択したのであろうか、住もうとするならばこの選択をせざるを得ないのか。」 福島での生活を続けていこうとすれば許容できる放射線量は、1ミリシーベルトではなくて、政府の示している20ミリシーベルトに置き変えざるを得ないのであり、直ちに健康への影響はないという言葉に根拠を問うことを止めてむしろこのフレーズをよりどころにするようになるのでしょう。しかしこれよって、原子力ムラと呼ばれている国の機関、企業、行政、学者の中で責任を回避できると安堵している者たちがいるのではないか、そして他方では病気を発症し精神的な孤立を抱えている人たちがうまれているのではないか、私はそのように感じています。
I visited Fukushima city the way home of the suffering support volunteer of Kesennuma on December 8, 2011. I had an experience of my having walked around Fukushima rail road station with a mask and a rain coat for fear of my internal radiation. I wrote my impression at that time in the homepage of JMF as follows. “It was a slightly 5-hour stay, but I have been tired for the strain because I walked just what so that I myself did not take radioactive materials in the body. And I felt me to be, when if I continue such tension forever, I cannot live in this town.” I am anxious about civic life that must live in this area after the nuclear plant accident. As for what I pray for, people are not bewildered to less than 20mSv that the government shows a permission radiation dose. I think even 1mSv to be dangerous so that we live. In addition, I worry that it give a sense of relief to the government, companies, administrations and scholars which are called so-called Japan’s Nuclear Power Village because people recognize high radiation dose. And I anxious about a lot people who have a disease developing and standing alone mentally. ※Japan’s Nuclear Power Village is ridicule or a term to call with criticism with the special group and relationship comprised of a corporate enterprise, government or bureaucrats, a research institution of university linked by a right and interest about the nuclear power generation.
The gathering of the candle by the citizen was performed on the Motoyasu-river-Shinsui-terrace of the east side of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in the evening of March 11 of the earthquake disaster second anniversary. This gathering did not forget victims by a major earthquake, a massive tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, and we were performed by a wish that continued every possible action by one’s power without keeping silent for them.
“The JUNOD” of Hiroshima supports people with the healthy uneasiness of the person with radiation exposure by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. On Saturday, February 16, one family with three people from the Kanto district, and on Saturday, March 16, two families with six people including a preschool child living in the Okayama prefecture and Hiroshima prefecture that originally emigrated early from North Kanto area, and they consulted a doctor with radiation exposure treatment specialist of the Hiroshima city. They told that they would make an effort in keeping their health in reference to the advice of “the JUNOD” in future.
I was made to think to hear a hard luck story of the life of people moved to Hiroshima from Kanto area. They have various problems. Husband and wife want to leave their child with a public nursery school and they want to work, but they must do resident registration to the city hall for that. And they also cannot receive the administrative services from the city. On the other hand, they do not want to move the resident’s card from the thought that was return to the hometown sometime, but the administrative service holds feeling regret that is not received if they do not move it. There is the difficulty of finding employment in the unknown place for them. They hold stress by the strain that occurred with relatives and acquaintances staying in the hometown, and as for them, there is the uneasiness living a life without being able to picture an image in the future. They have the feeling that wants to return to the hometown with a child, but the foot fades away of the radiation inspection system to school meal ingredients performed in Fukushima.
Two years passed from that great earthquake disaster, but we want to know what kind of things are up now in a local family around Kanto area, the workplace, the community not to mention the stricken area spots. We may not hear the voices from people suffered from unless we take action so that we ourselves know it while thinking about such things. The problems of people suffered from do not decrease and becomes more serious. What we do not hear their acute voices and bear is because government, local administration, media and TEPCO want to conceal the acuteness.
I think following numbers seems to be a main cause of Fukushima nuclear plant accident. According to the report of government’s Reconstruction Agency, 154,000 refugee of the whole Fukushima prefecture are, and outside the prefecture refugee is 57,000 people. We have to add the refugee from Kanto and other areas to these numbers. Why did each of the refugees choose to evacuate? They think that there are all circumstances that are to stabilize their life. Readers! Let’s make the social atmosphere that people evacuating to each place of the whole country feel relieved, and can talk about their present conditions. Therefore I think that we continue being interested in Fukushima nuclear plant accident at first.
I think that attention is necessary enough for a re-appearance of Japan’s Nuclear Power Village parallel to these problems. In part there is the issue of energy policy of the Abe government which pitched again. This government dismissed a citizen’s group member, the committee member who clarified high cost of the nuclear generation and renewable energy promotion committee member appointed in the previous Democratic Party government by the council for energy basic plan, and it is reported that they added the nuclear power generation promoting group and the governor of the nuclear power generation location local government instead. We have a mission to make sure of an intention of Abe government. Readers! It will prevent you from forgetting what we know and to have thought by that great earthquake disaster two years ago. And we will raise a voice when we judged that a policy of the government is not good.
私たちは、同世代と次の世代というふたりの隣人から期待されて生活をしている者同士です。その隣人から私たちが聞きとった願いを、「いま、ここで」私たち流のやりかたで実現していきたいものです。私はその思いでこれからも読者のみなさんにお伝えしていきたいと思います。 お読みくださりありがとうございました。
We are expected from two neighbors, which are the same generation and the next generation. We want realize the wish that we heard from the neighbor in the way of us style “now, here”. I want tell you readers in my thought from now on. Thank you very much for reading.
〔Written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor 〕
〔Translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair〕