また、1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故後、現地市民が被っている疾患について学び、これをもとに福島原発事故による住民の健康面への影響について知りたい。 講師として1988年よりチェルノブイリ原発事故被曝者に医療支援を行ってきた「ジュノーの会」より代表甲斐 等さんから報告していただく。
12:00 参加者は昼食を済ませて、発達ルーム「そら」に集合
平和記念資料館東館の地下にある会議室に移動して被爆証言 13時~
証言者 兒玉光雄さん 12歳のとき雑魚場町(現在の国泰寺町1丁目)で被爆。放射線障害により2ヵ月間寝込んだ。
9:30 発達ルーム「そら」に集合
11:00 放射能汚染地域飯舘村から避難、広島に移住した青木達也さんのお話
14:00 チェルノブイリ原発事故、福島原発事故による被曝者の健康面での支援活動からの報告
報告者 ジュノーの会代表 甲斐 等さん
16:30 参加者で話し合い
9:30 発達ルーム「そら」に集合
12:00 解散
Hiroshima Report No.4 “Peace Prayer in Hiroshima”
It was summer of too hot Hiroshima. Still it becomes around the end of August and comes to feel the cool early morning at night. Now will be the place of all of you?
August 6 of the 67th year was on that day same Monday from that day.
At 8:15 of the day of the beginning of the early week, already in the city center, inhabitants of Hiroshima and military men gathered from the whole country, and adults and children mobilized for (building evacuation) breaking housing, and to make large vacant gathered lot.
In addition, many people left the mother country including persons commandeered from the Korean Peninsula and lived in the city at the time. These people bombed with an atomic bomb follow what leaders of the country decided. And they lost the future by atom bomb throwing down.
Many people prayed for nuclear disarmament and world peace and gathered in A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park this year too. I think that it is to make use of a past if we are going to make peace. If we make use of a past called the war at the present and are going to make peace, we act in obtaining extensive information for rolling it up to security, abolition of the nuclear power generation or promotion, or people of other next generation as sovereign by oneself and judge it from oneself, and we sometimes to go outside, and will not it be important to express one’s opinion for the government and city administration?
It is to do from that we sovereign concretely to report the voice of the nation who is sovereign to politicians and the bureaucracy.
When it does not mean that carrying out the responsibility to the next generation only in obeying what a country decided, I feel it to see the acting of the government and the nuclear power generation promotion side from Fukushima nuclear plant accident to Ohi Nuclear Power Plant re-operation.
※The Ohi Nuclear Power Plant is located in the town of Ohi, Fukui Prefecture, managed by the Kansai Electric Power Company.
It is a custom our church members gather in the Motoyasugawa bank of river drifting to the east side of Peace Park in the evening of this day every year, and to pray for peace.
〔写真:灯篭流し:Floating of lanterns by the Aioi-hashi under a bridge flow that became the atom bomb throwing down target 〕
【About a seminar gathering under the sixth “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” in 2012】
We start the peace seminar mentioned the title above on September 15 in Hiroshima for three days until 17, and the contents of the learning are as follows this year:
Under the Fukushima prefecture, many people still live with having uneasiness of outside radiation exposure and the internal radiation exposure. There are people who decided “not to come back” to avoid radiation exposure in the refugee, people living assuming coming home in a temporary house and people who cannot decide it in either, and hesitate. In addition, there are separate people choosing among families.
The pollution with the radiation exposure by the nuclear plant accident and the radiation material destroys the life of inhabitants and takes prospect of the coming life away from them, and even inhabitants calling oneself with refugees exist among them. It is that I cannot stand and is really serious as for the situation truly that there is it in this as myself same Japanese.
We invite Mr. Mitsuo Kodama as a radiation exposure witness this year on the first day of this seminar too. We ask him about his step that lived a postwar life while having an exposure and disease exposed to the situation at the time of the atom bomb throwing down of “an atomic bomb, the Don” and radiation by him. In addition, we observe the peaceful museum and learn about the relation between radiation exposure does of radioactivity and healthy obstacle in particular.
The radiation exposure by the nuclear plant accident progresses in Fukushima and has top priority in checking influence on citizen’s health, and this is a problem of the urgent need now. We invite Mr. Tatsuya Aoki who emigrated to Hiroshima City from the Iidate village of Fukushima prefecture to avoid the radiation exposure of a family, the child and, on the seminar second day, hear his story about the present conditions of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant victim. In knowing reality that inhabitants are forced to by a nuclear plant accident slightly deeply for our “nucleus” stand, and check a position, and will deepen it.
In addition, after Chernobyl nuclear plant accident of 1986, we learn about the disease that a local citizen takes and want to know the influence on health of the inhabitants by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident based on this. Therefore, we invite the representative Hiroshi Kai of “the Junod Society” which performed medical support to Chernobyl nuclear plant accident victims from 1988 as a lecture and report the support situation in Chernobyl.
In the Junod Society, they do activity to send “Umedomi” which is made of a pickled plum and a stinking noxious weed and miso or bean paste and works to enhance the excretion function of the human body, to make a place of the medical support and rest after Fukushima nuclear plant accident.
We talk about our posture on the nuclear use as things mentioned above after having done the learning of two days. We prepare for proposal to think about this from a viewpoint of Mennonite. We want to share “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” that participant each raises through discussions and interchanges while we share these learning.
〔These articles are written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor, and translated by Tkanori Sasaki of JMF chair. 〕