It began to change the colors of the trees in the Peace Park of Hiroshima. It is the coming of autumn. How about where you everyone lives?
This is a seminar report of “The Wind from Hiroshima” which gathered together under the 6th “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” holding in September this year.
I thought it was a seminar for me, how we live the nuclear age, and the age of the contamination caused by radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant nuclear accident.
It is a slightly long sentence, but please read. I think that I serve as reference in making the way of living and the health of readers.
このセミナー(9月15日~17日)は「核の利用に対して、どうする私たち?」をテーマにして開催されました。メノナイト2団体3教会から10名、カトリック教会から1名が参加しました。公開講座のようにしたふたつの講演、飯舘村から広島市に移住した青木達也さんの講演と、チェルノブイリ原発事故によって被曝した被災者の健康面の支援経験をもとにして福島原発事故の被曝市民を支援している「ジュノーの会」代表の甲斐 等さんの講演には市民が15名ほど参加されました。
This seminar featured the theme of “us whom we would do what for the nuclear use” and was held from 15 to 17 on September. The people from Mennonite churches and one person from the Catholic Church participated in this seminar. We carried out two open lectures or witnesses; one was a lecture of Mr. Tatsuya Aoki which evacuated from the Iidate village of the Fukushima prefecture, and the other was a lecture of Mr. Hitoshi Kai who is a representative of “the Junod Society” which supports radiation exposure citizen of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident based on support experience of the healthy improvement of a victim exposed to radiation by Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. “The Society of Junod” is a citizen group of Hiroshima working on persons with radiation exposure support of world nuclear victims, particularly the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. Approximately 15 citizens participated in these lectures.
The name of this society is associated with Swiss medical doctor Marcel Junod (1904~1961). He was the Red Cross doctor who personified “the spirit of the thing” and he was the first foreign doctor to visit Hiroshima after nuclear attack by the United States on August 1945. And he also treated patients and sent 15 tons of pharmaceutical products to there after the devastating.
「神は、そのひとり子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。ひとり子を信じる者が一人も滅びないで、永遠のいのちを得るためである。」(ヨハネによる福音書3章16節) このことばはヨハネの時から私たちの世代に至り、そして未来の世代にも受け継がれていくことだと私は信じています。この世は、つまりこの世に生きる私たちは神に愛されているのである。愛されている私たちであるから、ひとり子イエスを受け入れる者は世を愛する神に出会っていく、それが永遠のいのちを得るということではないでしょうか。そして神のおもいを知ったイエスの弟子は神とともにこの世を、世に生きる者を愛するようになります。
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life”. (John 3:16) I believe that these words are what are inherited in to our times and a future generation from the time of John. We who live in the world that is the world are loved by God. Because it is us who are loved, will not the person accepting only child Jesus be that it which meets God loving the world gets everlasting? And the disciples of Jesus who knew the thought of God become to love people living in the world with God.
Will it be to live what kind of life concretely that we love people living in the world? I report three points that I learn through this seminar for this question and thought about.
それは、梅ぼしを食べること、ドクダミ茶(ウーロン茶で割るとよい)を飲むこと、味噌を食すことの三つを欠かさないこと、加えてジュノーの会が紹介している貼薬を体のツボに貼ること。このセミナーのあとで、私は広島の被爆者の実践として玄米を食べることを教わりました。ドクダミの効用については本セミナーの被爆証言者兒玉光雄さんをはじめ複数の広島の被爆者からも裏付けとなる証言がなされています。味噌については長崎の被曝医師故秋月辰一郎さんも推奨しています。『私が、炊事に携わる人々と医療スタッフに厳しく命じたことは、塩を少しまぶした玄米のお握りと、それに味噌を多めにいれた濃い味噌汁でした。砂糖は一切使わないように指示(長崎原爆記 秋月辰一郎著)』(宝島社 世界一わかりやすい放射能の話完全対策編26頁より引用) ジュノーの会では昨年から、「梅とドクダミと味噌と貼薬」の入手を希望される福島原発被曝者に、無料でお渡ししており、受け取った方々からは健康を改善しているとの返信があるとのこと。ジュノーの会はチェルノブイリ原発事故の2年後の1988年に同原発事故による被曝者の健康面での支援する会として始まったのですが、以来24年間に亘る被曝者の健康を守るための実践から生み出されたのが「梅とドクダミと味噌と貼薬」なのです。私たちの身近にある食材です、読者のみなさんも被曝から自分の健康を守るためという理由でなくとも、体に良い食材として試してみませんか、私はお勧めさせていただきます。
At first, as for the first point, I live in remote Hiroshima nuclear power plant accident, but possibly I might be already exposed to radiation and may be exposed to radiation now. Furthermore, it may be said that I myself am exposed to radiation after this. Therefore I want to make a strong body and a life style resisting radioactivity to work in the world. That’s why I began the learning of the material taking out the radioactivity which I got into in my body.
Do you have thought that you were a person with radiation exposure? After having finished a volunteer of the relief supplies distribution to the temporary housing of the Kesennuma city in last December, I was worried about a state of the life of the Fukushima citizen on the way to Hiroshima and wanted to check it with my eyes about the radioactivity decontamination of the place where children including school grounds and the park gather, and I walked around the Fukushima city with foot by bus from the morning to the evening in December 8. I wore a mask for a cold, but think that probably I breathe in radioactive material drifting by a radiation to fly in the space, and I also breathed in the radioactive material which drifted between the sky, and the inside was exposed to radiation. I will be I was exposed to radiation, and have had a similar experience because of walking around Tokyo the next day. Not “how much” that “how long” was exposed to radiation, I want to put my matters that require attention in “having been exposed to radiation”.
In addition, there was the news that the radio cesium more than the standard values was detected by a mushroom cultivated in Miyoshi city, Hiroshima prefecture in August of this year,
And they had been already started in the store, and part seemed to be already sold, and the mushroom of non-sail was collected from the store after the detection in a hurry. When the thing exceeding the standard value that government decided circulates to consumers as for the polluted food by diffuse radioactive material by Fukushima nuclear plant accident to hear this news, and I think that it is sold consumers to be it without suffering from mesh of a net of the inspection, I think that we may have been already exposed to radiation before we notice it by eating such a thing. The government says that it is only foods less than the standard value that country decided to be sold, and there is not the influence on health promptly if you do not eat successively in larger quantities even if polluted, and in this case there is not it depending on a thing of the quantity, and I put weight in eating, and I think that myself is exposed to radiation. Even if I who is very healthy will get sick in the future and developed in a healthy obstacle, there cannot be the thing that it is proved by the government or Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare when the cause is the radiation that radioactive material taken in the body releases. When it becomes so, I am going to assert like that like that ……however.
Therefore, I oneself was already a radioactive exposure or it may be exposed to radiation from now on. Anyway how should we have started the radioactive material which was the toxin which was in the body before developing in a disease outside a body? How can even the body which has been already exposed to radiations hit the power of the body which a disease does not develop in? The practice report was made for such questions by Mr. Hitoshi Kai of the Junod Society by this seminar. This is the practice that we wanted to work on by all means in making a body resisting a radiation. I am going to call people of the circumference to practice it together from now on.
You must no miss three of the next, eating a pickled plum, drinking for example stinking noxious weed tea and you should dilute this with oolong tea, and eating miso or soybean paste. In addition, I suggest that you put the medical application which Junod Society introduces on the center trigger point of the body. After this seminar, I learned eating unpolished rice as practice of the people with radiation exposure of Hiroshima. The testimony that it becomes proof is done including persons with radiation exposure witness Mr. Mitsuo Kodama this seminar about the effect of stinking noxious weed by person of radiation exposure of other Hiroshima. Radiation exposure medical doctor, the late Mr. Shinichiro Akiduki of Nagasaki recommends it about miso or soybean paste, too. “What I gave people that engaged in cooking and the medical staff in order for strictly was a rice ball of the unpolished rice which covered with some salt and then the strong miso soup which put miso paste in a little too much, and I directed the sugar not to use at all”. (The description of Nagasaki Atom bomb written by Shinichiro Akiduki: the quotation from 26pages of complete measures of the story of the world’s most plain radioactivity which was published by Takarajima publishing company.)
The Junod Society hands it to people with radiation exposure of Fukushima hoped for acquisition of a set of a plum, a stinking noxious weed, miso and the medical application from last year for free. Replies of the improvement of the health arrive from the people who received them. The Junod Society began in 1988 two years after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident as the organization which supported the health of the nuclear plant accident victims. Thereafter it is “a plum and a stinking noxious weed, miso and medical application” that was proved by practice to follow the health of the nuclear plant accident victims for 24 years. All these are our imminent foods. Don’t you try it as the food which is good for a body for the reason of readers protecting your health from radiation exposure even if there is not it? I recommend it to you.
※You can look at the activity to search it in “the Junod Society (Fuchu, Hiroshima)” on a homepage. You can do participation about action to protect the health of the victims by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. I begin with the matter to have. Please refer to Ishiya.
The second point is that a tool creating peace cannot the existence include “a nuclear weapon” or “the nuclear power generation”. Because a nuclear weapon is weapon of mass destruction to life and it is because of making much radiation exposure victims. This is world common sense. “The nuclear power generation” makes steam by heat and steam turns a turbine and makes electricity, but it is world common sense that continues producing waste starting a radiation in total.
Radiation exposure witness Mr. Mitsuo Kodama by the seminar is exposed to radiation at the age of 12 years old in a junior high school building approximately 850m from the blast center in Hiroshima and he recovered after a two-month fight against illness by radiation damage, but would have the abnormality of a remarkable chromosome by a radiation. And he spends days to fight against cancer which he is over 60 years old, and occurred to a different organ now.
Another witness Mr. Aoki is that a nuclear plant accident happened, and in the house where he lived in, it was that a highly concentrated radiation pollution area, that’s why he emigrated from Fukushima to Hiroshima with five families in last June, and they right push forward their life rebuilding now. Mr. Aoki is afraid that their children become sick under the influence of their living in Iidate village by June 1 from March 11 of the last year.
I think that nobody can assert that the nuclear plant accident with the healthy damage caused by such a radiation never happens. The nuclear power plant is in each Asian country, and there is it in the world each place. Who of us Japanese can assert with safety there? When the tragic incident such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident occurs once, the radioactive material is carried to everywhere Japan under influence of a flow of the atmosphere and the seawater and pollutes fish and the soil, and not only local people but also we all Japanese will eat the crop and blessing of the sea polluted by radioactivity. In addition, it is thought that we are exposed to radiation by eating food imported from the whole world. The nuclear power generation that it is difficult for a human being to manage it, Chernobyl, Fukushima and a catastrophe continue. And I think that a human being must not have the use of the nuclear power plant because of giving radiation and continue to hold the nuclear waste product, like a nuclear weapon.
The material which gives a radiation by all means if a human being is going to use a nucleus namely dangerous nuke waste is made. The safe management of this waste has only a method to deposit deep in the ground so that a human being is not polluted by a radiation. We must not hand dangerous nuke waste to descendants. I hear that the temporary safe keeping place of nuke waste becomes full soon. Furthermore, I hear the “Nuclear Fuel Cycle” enterprise which makes nuclear material plutonium from spent nuclear fuel if there is not yet foreseeing it of coming true. Let’s do “the business made with the nuclear waste which continues giving a radiation of the fear” to be already over in our time. And I think that we should wrestle already how deposit the waste which has made deep in the ground to reduce the burden on later generation now.
イエスは言われた。「心を尽くし、精神を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。これがもっとも重要な第一の掟である。第二もこれと同じように重要である。隣人を自分のように愛しなさい。」 みなさん、自分を愛すること、隣人を愛することに思いを尽くそうではありませんか。それが
I learned that we should not hands-off involving the life of our third point. First, I think that we understood each other, the importance of mutual trust each other, with that in mind, I think that we do not neglect to usually analyze information with critical posture against about the announcement of the government, remark of the experts and the news of the media. And then I think that we should learn precise information following: Is it true that they say? Is not it announced to be convenient for them? May they do not be yet informed of it to us? Are not there the different opinions? Much history that we citizen learned up to the present day shows the lesson how important it is to keep our life in us. For example, the following the things are recalled; the announcing the Imperial Headquarters which did not convey a fact at the time of the war of the Showa era, there having been the times when they did not recognize pollution as the responsibility of a government and the companies, reality not to change in a course to reduce even if a US base of Okinawa passes after return for 40 years, the Diet accident investigation commission concludes Fukushima nuclear plant accident to be “a man-made disaster” called atom village by Tokyo Electric Company and the persons concerned.
In addition, the government, administration and experts delay the refuge of inhabitants by this nuclear plant accident, and it is clear to have reducing the refuge range.
By the way, they are not taking the action that made civic life have top priority for politics, following inaction and negligence, slackness, an organization and the system to miss it, and it gets by to draw close near a person with power.
Mr. Aoki just waited for the evacuation directive from the government and the village authorities, and during until the setting of the premeditated refuge area by the government of April 11, he was talked about the useless regrets that had been exposed to radiation by this seminar. Why has the evacuation directive to the polluted Iidate village of the high radiation been late like this? I think it is terrible if it could reduce the confusion that the government than protecting the lives of citizens, and if there was a judgment that they could do it by evasion by responsibility on the pretext of that they could not prove the healthy damage caused by the radiation later.
It was made think that support matched advice for it by scholars of order of the Atomic Kamura (that expresses magazines, ministries and government offices, the companies which are going to promote atomic energy policy in a bundle.)
If is so; I think that the deep regret was beyond cure, but how do all of you think? At all events, I take regrets of Mr. Aoki like my thing and assume it a lesson and learn by to protect my life and obtain information by myself, and it is important at all to think about the action that we should take by ourselves. We do not leave that we keep our life to others including the government, administration and the experts. I was strong, and I thought so that one’s life must hand down that we protected it by oneself in a later generation.
At the time of the great tsunami, there are most of the inhabitants including primary school children and the junior high students who practiced a legend of “tsunami tendenko” coming to the Sanriku district of Tohoku, and saved own lives. It is said as follows interpreting this as a disaster prevention lesson. If ”a tsunami comes, the take does not pay attention to blood relationship first of all either, and you are alone at all separately respectively, and escape each to the hill”, and “protect your life by yourself”. Therefore school children began refuge towards a direction high immediately before an evacuation directive was given by teachers of the school. It is the lesson that have been inherited it is alone, and to reduce a human being dying of a tsunami you determine where oneself runs away to, and to act immediately. We will make use of mind of “tsunami tendenko” shown on March 11, 2011, so to speak, “it is keep your life tendenko”. About what to do, you must wrestle with spirit so as to have been reborn we not forget the importance of trusting a human being, but to keep your life, our life and my life by oneself. We experienced a big natural disaster and also a man-made disaster as never before. I feel that we must not soak in a thought stop carefree of the leaving all to others to the full like that.
Jesus answered. ”You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘You must love your neighbors as yourself’”. (Matthew 22:37-39) Everyone, we will make thought for loving a thing, the neighbors who love oneself. I believe that it is to love God.
It is that above three points were given as suggestions from these to my real life by this seminar.
〔These articles are written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite Church pastor, and translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair.〕