
Hiroshima Report No.10. “It’s urgency! How does the law to support Fukushima nuclear plant accident victims turn out?”


I took time for reading of this time in “the Yanaka village extinction history” (written by Arahata Kanson, page 180 in the Iwanami Library). It was reading for me to read or take a rest, and I took a rest or read again after all. It had two reasons for me. One is to accuse a figure of the ugly government where it is hard that the contents look straight from the side of Japanese people. Because it was considered as the arsenical poisoning case that took place in Takachiho Toroku, Miyazaki prefecture which I had visited to the second and a case to have structure same as Minamata disease of Minamata city in Kumamoto prefecture.
 ※Minamata disease, sometimes referred to Chisso Minamata disease, is a neurological syndrome caused by severe mercury poisoning. It was first discovered in 1956. It was caused by the release of methyl mercury in the industrial wastewater from Chisso Corporation’s chemical factory, which continued from 1932 to 1968.


The reasons why I call these cases are that there are an assailant and a victim. These cases include a common point. The victims are to be countryside away from capital Tokyo of Japan. And it is to be big companies and government to have tormented the victims who demanded relief for a long time. Furthermore, the process from the suit of inhabitants to a dispute to begin and end is common.


The author of “the history of Yanaka village extinction” accused a process of their slackness with the central government, a local government and a copper management company that they concealed Ashio Copper Mine pollution incident, and formed Ashio Copper Mine Mura and oppressed the inhabitants and abandoned people by inaction or artificially confronting Tanaka Shozo which snuggled up to the villagers who had been deprived of a place of the life by Ashio copper mine mineral pollution case till the last.
 ※Ashio Copper Mine pollution incident was the pollution case of the Ashio Copper Mine which rose around the Watarase river of Tochigi prefecture and the Gunma prefecture from the 19th century. And the toxic substances such as smoke, mineral pollution gas, and mineral pollution water brought remarkable influence by the development of the mine in neighboring environment, and dead persons appeared, and damaged spread through cultivation things and the fields. ※Tanaka Shozo (1841 ~ 1913) was a Japanese politician and social activist. He is considered a hero for his actions revolving around the Ashio Mine Pollution incident. Starting from the mid- 1880s, the mine became highly polluted and in 1890 a large flood carried poisons from the mine to surrounding areas. Tanaka took his cause to the National Diet but his efforts met with little success. ※Mura means non-uniformity or surface irregularity.
 It is ridicule or a term to call with criticism a special social group comprised by the authorized person concerned of a big company, a government, and a university conclude by a right over the mine development and a relationship.

 In March, 1906, the Tochigi prefecture authorities decided Yanaka village for forced abolishment of a village by mergence. In January, 1907, the Japanese government announced the application of the Land expropriation Act in the Yanaka village. On July21, 1908, the government did whole Yanaka village in the river area. And the government constructed a large reservoir by a law and has sunk Yanaka village in water after all.

 It is the biggest common point that the Japanese government and large enterprises downplayed a life and the living of inhabitants of Yanaka village, Minamata, and Toroku. I feel there is a message being performed now and about the future in “history of Yanaka village extinction”.


A basic guidance of “the living support law for children and the victims of a nuclear plant accident” that we waited impatiently for on August 30, 2013 was shown from the revival agency. The details look at “What’s New August 30 of the revival agency homepage”.



As for this support law, the person targeted for support at first (June, 2012) was to select a radiation dose as a standard regardless for a residence district. However, “the support area for” is limited to 33 cities, towns, and villagers close to around Fukushima nuclear power generation is accord with next conditions for the plan that a revival agency showed on august 30, 2013. The conditions as follows: the one is the area that might reach annual multiplication dose of radioactivity 20SV. The second is 20SV is less while continuing, but is the area with appropriate dose of radioactivity near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power generation. It is a custom that the thing needing support in the inhabitants except these areas establishes “an associate support area for” every support measure as “a person to follow” and supports it. And the contents of important aid package are like general rules, and the concrete mark is not shown. It is necessary to listen to the voices of the victims well, and to do it concretely to really meet the need of the victims.

I think that there are big problems in “the support area for” provided for this plan of the government. Living in the whole country as well as the local inhabitants of these 33 municipalities while being afraid of much radiation exposure in and outside of the Fukushima prefecture, or evacuate, or emigrate now. The reason is because the place where they live in is beyond space radiation exposure dose of radioactivity 1mSV in the permission level year before the nuclear plant accident. Or even less than 1mSV are because a child and adult really showed poor physical condition. Furthermore, they feel ganger for radiological release not to know when it ends. There are people to live in a high radiation dose for Fukushima nuclear plant accident than before. In addition, there are people who changed the workplace, a school, and the place of the life under the influence of a radiation does. And the people needing support in this way do not limited to 33 municipalities. It is people called so-called people targeted for associate support that I bring into question. However, to our regret, it costs this how a revival agency decides an associate support area for.

I worry about them heartily. I participate in the function of “the Junod” supporting their health of Fukushima nuclear plant accident’s victims, and for an immigrant evacuating to Kyoto, Okayama, Hiroshima, and Okinawa from each Kanto prefecture which I could know, do not become targeted for support in the revival agency plan. May they receive the support that they need when they are performed “family handling targeted for associate support” of?

The people who should be relieved with the idea of “the child, victim’s support law by the nuclear plant accident” by “the basic policy plan of revival agency” which government decided in June, 2012 may become “the non-victim”. Because there are people who have a disease due to radiation exposure develops in the atom bomb radiation exposure of Hiroshima and is authorized as “an A-bomb victim2, and receives the publication of “the A-bomb victim health record book”. On the other hand, there are people who are not authorized as “a no-A bomb victim” while being caused by atom bomb radiation exposure obviously. The government minimizes a person target for support, and I think that the responsibility that they bear is going to lower it.



The inhabitants of Yanaka village, Minamata, and Toroku were look down upon their lives and living by the government and large corporation. We must watch a trend of the government so that such a thing does not happen to victims for Fukushima nuclear accident again. We in particular must watch the change of “the children and victims’ support law by the nuclear plant accident” carefully.



We want to come true in the way of us style which the wish that we learned from our generation and the next generation, “now” and “here”, especially from a neighbor having weak situation. I want to send it to readers in this thought from now on. Thank you very much for reading.

2013年8月6日の夕べ 原爆ドームに集う人たち People are gathering in front of the A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima in the evening of August 6, 2013.

2013年8月6日の夕べ 原爆ドームに集う人たち
People are gathering in front of the A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima in the evening of August 6, 2013.

※1「原発事故子ども・被災者生活支援法」は正式には「東京電力原子力事故により被災した子どもをはじめとする住民等の生活を守り支えるための被災者の生活支援等に関する施策の推進に関する法律」(2012年6月27日法律第48号)であり、支援対象者は一定の基準以上の放射線量が計測される地域に居住し、又は居住していた者及び政府による避難に係る指示により避難を余議なくされている者並びにこれらに準ずる者(以下「被災者」という。)が~ 略 ~。となっています。このたびの復興庁の案により、一定の基準以上の放射線量をいくらにするかということを政府は決めないことが示されたと言えます。


〔Written by Tdayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite Church pastor 〕
 〔Translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair〕

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