There are the days to sweat in these days. How have you been, everybody? It was held “Hiroshima Flower Festival” in Hiroshima during Golden Week or national holidays from May 3-5.
The venue of the festival was Heiwa Odori or Peace Boulevard which lay across the city in the east and west. We call it “100 meters of streets” which is 100 meters wide and runs 3.6 km. The streets became “the vehicle-free promenade or the pedestrian’s paradise”, and various parades were watched and there were the stands each association of people from the same prefecture (Kenjinkai) to provide a food and a special product and the stands of the citizen group and were full very much. I also enjoyed a festival with my family, watching the parades, eating Soki (boneless pork ribs) soba noodle soup in the Okinawa booth, and buying wine and black bread in the tent of a friendship association of Russia.
By the way, as for me, there is difference in words worried about in these days. It is difference between “individual” and “person”. Look at an upper photograph. Everybody walks the street freely. Their clothes are various, and the place that they aim at is each. For example, it is possible for way of speaking when we watch a walking human being in a group when many people walk the100 meters wide of boulevard. However, it is called into question where the child with a red cap is and does it when we look hard and found the child. In that case, which one is “a person” or “the individual”? According to Meikyo Japanese dictionary, “the individual” is the each human being that consists of a certain society and group, or one human being who left the public status, or a private citizen. On the other hand, the explanation of “the person” has five items. The first explanation is Mammal to be vested in primate order hominid in animal taxonomy. The science name is Homo sapience, and the human being or human. The second explanation is an authorized individual, or the individual whom applies a constant condition. According to Kojien Japanese dictionary, it is “individual” with a person of severalty constituting a nation or social group, and a single person, or a one person, or a private person. And there is the explanation of 11 items about “person”. The first explanation is the same as Meikyo Japanese dictionary. My understanding is that “the person” is used with the meaning of the animal taxonomy in the dictionary widely. And the other hand, it is used in a human being of one of the severalty about “the individual” too.
When it is said why I watch the difference between “individual” and “person” closely, it is because I am interested in the movement of the current constitutional amendment. For example, “all of people shall be respected as individuals” in the existing constitution Article 13. However, it becomes “all of people shall be respected as persons” according to Liberal Democratic Party constitutional amendment draft. I do not become with a wonder why it is that they change “the individual” to “the person”. Is the word “person” convenient for them to change the sovereignty of nation, a position, and a right in the Japanese constitution whom we have now? My doubt of these just deepens. Ms. Shoko Egawa of the journalist titled it “before getting on the amending the Constitution bus” in Yahoo news dated May 3, 2013 and explained this issue as follows. In this case the nation is not treated as “an individual” recognizing an each person’s difference and it is incorporated in the chestnut which there is it with a comprehensive “person”. As for it, the weight is put in the homogeneity as “the person group” than a personal difference. Therefore I checked the Liberal Democratic Party in question explained this difference. However, it did not have the explanation in their “constitutional amendment Q&A”.
I imagine it about a constitutional amendment draft of the current government in this way. For example, the national flag and the national anthem which the present constitution does not have are founded in Liberal Democratic Party constitutional amendment draft Article 3. And the national flag assumes “Nissyoki” or flag of the rising sun, and the national anthem assumes “Kimigayo” or Reign of Your Majesty. Japanese people are demanded the respect for national flag and national anthem. Include me, there are people feeling resistance in singing “Kimigayo” in the Japanese citizen. It is because it is not good for this country of the sovereignty rests with the people because “Kimigayo” praises the Emperor system of Japan as an Emperor hymn. I doubt whether the right of the person who does not want to sing is accepted by Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) amending draft under any circumstance. One sentence “to be against the public interest and public order” in an amending draft is inserted. I felt an intention of government which this one sentence weaken the sense of rights of the nation and is going to bundle the nation to be strong. Therefore they might rearrange an individual to person when they took such a thought of the government because they could respect each nation in no case. I think it. How does everybody feel it?
The question is whether it is good for us. I think it is no good. When we express it by oneself, we citizen does not perform violence, and each one obeys a law in a way for oneself. We respect the public welfare and, so to speak, work on our work. Current we have a good environment that we can express our self-assertion freely, and we can live in the environment where “an individual” so-called like me is respected. I think that the present constitution guarantees our freedom of expression enough. I want to let the next generation enjoy this freedom. I feel that each one cannot show one’s personality and interest enough in the society where it is intended to change “an individual” into “a person” at time when I think so.
By the way, I want to introduce you about Jesus’s story that is very important for me. 『There was a woman who had suffered terribly from severe bleeding for twelve years, even though she had been treated by many doctors. She had spent all her money, but instead of getting better she got worse all the time. She had heard about Jesus, so she came in the crowd behind him. “If I touch just his clothes,” she said to herself, “I shall get well.” She touched his cloak and her bleeding stopped at once; and she had the feeling inside herself that she was cured of her trouble. At once Jesus knew that power had gone out of him. So he turned around in the crowed and said, “Who touched my clothes?” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it.” (Mark 5:25-32)
I think of Jesus who looked around to find the woman that it is good. Through the attitude to try to find one human being, Jesus teaches us how important is one human being for us. And the person who felt that a person is taken good care of will come to take good care of other people. I always want to make a model of Jesus. We must make the society where an individual is taken good care of. Therefore present constitution Article 13 that “an individual” is respected more than “a person” practically and concretely is necessary. I never want to rearrange “an individual” into “a person”.
私はこの思いでこれからも読者のみなさんに発信していきたいと思います。 お読みくださりありがとうございました。
We have two generation neighbors that are the same generation and the next generation. Both them are on the week position. The same generation is the young people who do not have the right to vote at this time. And the next generation is people born in this country in the future. We live to receive expectation from these both neighbors. We are, so to speak, fellows together. I want to realize the wish that we heard from those neighbors in our way “now” and “here”. I want to send it to readers in this thought from now on. Thank you very much for your reading.
〔Written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor 〕
〔Translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair〕
The some gatherings of the Tohoku great disaster, a big earthquake, a massive tsunami, and a Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident, were held in the Hiroshima city around the second anniversary March 11. I participated one of the gatherings in conjunction with Fukushima nuclear plant accident while thinking of people suffered from the great disaster.
And I would like to write what I felt about that.
There was an opportunity we invited the person who worked for the Board of Education of the Fukushima prefecture as a lecture, and to hear to the stories that it was under present conditions of the support to high school students. After his lecture, I asked him following questions about children of Fukushima. As for it, do they in how much conversion annual multiplication space radiation dose now? In addition, what kind of attitude are you for about it in the Board of Education?
I am concerned about of the space radiation dose very much. I can read the data of prefectural office cities of the whole country in Mainichi newspaper every day. When exchanging the space radiation dose in the Hiroshima city of March 11 this year to numerical value of one year according to the data, it was 0.68 millimeters Sievert. We have not exceeded numerical value of 1mSv in Hiroshima for these two years. On the other hand, it was 7.1Sievert of approximately 10 times than Hiroshima city in the Fukushima city on the same day. I think that it “will be terrible leaving” now in future that children and adult people must live in environment more than 1mSv.
The permission radiation doses in Japan were less than 1mSv in the general public area before the nuclear plant accident, and it was less than 5mSv in the radiation management areas such as the X-rays facilities of the hospital. It is said that many children are exposed to radiation more than numerical value of 1mSv of the maximum permissible dose or 5mSv in Fukushima prefecture for these two years. Even if the inside is at increased risk for being exposed to radiation through breathing and food, it is said the outside numerical value of the outside radiation exposure radiation dose is high. It is exposed to low dose of radioactivity inside radiation exposure by a radiation material taken in the body by breathing and food.
There is an image in commemoration of the girl who died of leukemia after radiation exposure by the A-bomb throwing down for ten years in Hiroshima city. Healthy damage such as the breast cancer with the depleted uranium shell which the United States Armed Forces used ten years after that Iraqi War is conveyed from Iraq now. What will happen to Chernobyl now?
They are anxious about healthy damage caused by the radioactivity very much in the Fukushima prefecture, and there are some school teachers wrestling for a present conditions breakthrough for the health damage for children in particular. They demand a present condition breakthrough from the Board of Education strongly because they think in the school teachers, but there seems to be a case standing alone without their thought knowing it in the authorities. Such teacher seemed to do outside the prefecture emigration with a family out of necessity for the safe environment.
They are anxious about healthy damage caused by the radioactivity very much in the Fukushima prefecture, and there are some school teachers wrestling for a present conditions breakthrough for the health damage for children in particular. They demand a present condition breakthrough from the Board of Education strongly because they think in the school teachers, but there seems to be a case standing alone without their thought knowing it in the authorities. Such teacher seemed to do outside the prefecture emigration with a family out of necessity for the safe environment.
The lecture answered it with a state of the sorrow for my question by the opinion of the authorities, “the prefecture Board of Education was not the decided numerical value that annual multiplication space radiation dose 1mSv affected the health now”.
「わずか5時間の滞在であったが、自分が体内に放射性物質を取り込まないようにと思って歩いたのでその緊張のためか疲れてしまった。そして感じた。このような緊張が続いていたらこの町には住めない。緊張しないようにしなければこの町には住めない。市民は原発事故前の生活に近い生活を選択したのであろうか、住もうとするならばこの選択をせざるを得ないのか。」 福島での生活を続けていこうとすれば許容できる放射線量は、1ミリシーベルトではなくて、政府の示している20ミリシーベルトに置き変えざるを得ないのであり、直ちに健康への影響はないという言葉に根拠を問うことを止めてむしろこのフレーズをよりどころにするようになるのでしょう。しかしこれよって、原子力ムラと呼ばれている国の機関、企業、行政、学者の中で責任を回避できると安堵している者たちがいるのではないか、そして他方では病気を発症し精神的な孤立を抱えている人たちがうまれているのではないか、私はそのように感じています。
I visited Fukushima city the way home of the suffering support volunteer of Kesennuma on December 8, 2011. I had an experience of my having walked around Fukushima rail road station with a mask and a rain coat for fear of my internal radiation. I wrote my impression at that time in the homepage of JMF as follows. “It was a slightly 5-hour stay, but I have been tired for the strain because I walked just what so that I myself did not take radioactive materials in the body. And I felt me to be, when if I continue such tension forever, I cannot live in this town.” I am anxious about civic life that must live in this area after the nuclear plant accident. As for what I pray for, people are not bewildered to less than 20mSv that the government shows a permission radiation dose. I think even 1mSv to be dangerous so that we live. In addition, I worry that it give a sense of relief to the government, companies, administrations and scholars which are called so-called Japan’s Nuclear Power Village because people recognize high radiation dose. And I anxious about a lot people who have a disease developing and standing alone mentally. ※Japan’s Nuclear Power Village is ridicule or a term to call with criticism with the special group and relationship comprised of a corporate enterprise, government or bureaucrats, a research institution of university linked by a right and interest about the nuclear power generation.
The gathering of the candle by the citizen was performed on the Motoyasu-river-Shinsui-terrace of the east side of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in the evening of March 11 of the earthquake disaster second anniversary. This gathering did not forget victims by a major earthquake, a massive tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, and we were performed by a wish that continued every possible action by one’s power without keeping silent for them.
“The JUNOD” of Hiroshima supports people with the healthy uneasiness of the person with radiation exposure by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. On Saturday, February 16, one family with three people from the Kanto district, and on Saturday, March 16, two families with six people including a preschool child living in the Okayama prefecture and Hiroshima prefecture that originally emigrated early from North Kanto area, and they consulted a doctor with radiation exposure treatment specialist of the Hiroshima city. They told that they would make an effort in keeping their health in reference to the advice of “the JUNOD” in future.
I was made to think to hear a hard luck story of the life of people moved to Hiroshima from Kanto area. They have various problems. Husband and wife want to leave their child with a public nursery school and they want to work, but they must do resident registration to the city hall for that. And they also cannot receive the administrative services from the city. On the other hand, they do not want to move the resident’s card from the thought that was return to the hometown sometime, but the administrative service holds feeling regret that is not received if they do not move it. There is the difficulty of finding employment in the unknown place for them. They hold stress by the strain that occurred with relatives and acquaintances staying in the hometown, and as for them, there is the uneasiness living a life without being able to picture an image in the future. They have the feeling that wants to return to the hometown with a child, but the foot fades away of the radiation inspection system to school meal ingredients performed in Fukushima.
Two years passed from that great earthquake disaster, but we want to know what kind of things are up now in a local family around Kanto area, the workplace, the community not to mention the stricken area spots. We may not hear the voices from people suffered from unless we take action so that we ourselves know it while thinking about such things. The problems of people suffered from do not decrease and becomes more serious. What we do not hear their acute voices and bear is because government, local administration, media and TEPCO want to conceal the acuteness.
I think following numbers seems to be a main cause of Fukushima nuclear plant accident. According to the report of government’s Reconstruction Agency, 154,000 refugee of the whole Fukushima prefecture are, and outside the prefecture refugee is 57,000 people. We have to add the refugee from Kanto and other areas to these numbers. Why did each of the refugees choose to evacuate? They think that there are all circumstances that are to stabilize their life. Readers! Let’s make the social atmosphere that people evacuating to each place of the whole country feel relieved, and can talk about their present conditions. Therefore I think that we continue being interested in Fukushima nuclear plant accident at first.
I think that attention is necessary enough for a re-appearance of Japan’s Nuclear Power Village parallel to these problems. In part there is the issue of energy policy of the Abe government which pitched again. This government dismissed a citizen’s group member, the committee member who clarified high cost of the nuclear generation and renewable energy promotion committee member appointed in the previous Democratic Party government by the council for energy basic plan, and it is reported that they added the nuclear power generation promoting group and the governor of the nuclear power generation location local government instead. We have a mission to make sure of an intention of Abe government. Readers! It will prevent you from forgetting what we know and to have thought by that great earthquake disaster two years ago. And we will raise a voice when we judged that a policy of the government is not good.
私たちは、同世代と次の世代というふたりの隣人から期待されて生活をしている者同士です。その隣人から私たちが聞きとった願いを、「いま、ここで」私たち流のやりかたで実現していきたいものです。私はその思いでこれからも読者のみなさんにお伝えしていきたいと思います。 お読みくださりありがとうございました。
We are expected from two neighbors, which are the same generation and the next generation. We want realize the wish that we heard from the neighbor in the way of us style “now, here”. I want tell you readers in my thought from now on. Thank you very much for reading.
〔Written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor 〕
〔Translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair〕
It is a beginning in 2013. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you will reach new age in good health. When this year is over, I want to send a day on a day to be able to say for good one year.
I am happy if you read “Wind form Hiroshima” successively. It is the report of two stories that I experienced in last November and December. As for the theme, “Let us become neighbors of two.”
イエスは答えた。「ある人がエルサレムからエリコへ下って行く途中、追いはぎに襲われた。追いはぎはその人の服をはぎ取り、半殺しにしたまま立ち去った。ある祭司がたまたまその道を下って来たが、その人を見ると、道の向こう側を通っていった。同じようにレビ人もやって来たが、その人を見ると、向こう側を通っていった。ところが旅をしていたあるサマリア人は、そばに来ると、その人を見て憐れに思い、近寄って傷に油とぶどう酒を注ぎ包帯をして介抱した。 あなたはこの三人の中で、だれが追いはぎに襲われた人の隣人になったと思うか。」
The following is an extract from New Testament Luke Gospel tenth chapter.
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. And you must love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself.”
“Who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered, “There was a man who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when robbers attacked him, stripped him, and beat him up, leaving him half dead. It was happened that a priest was going down that road; when he saw the man he walked on by, on the other side. In the same way a Levite also came there, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by, on the other side. But a certain Samaritan who was traveling that way came upon him, and when saw the man his heart was filled with pity. He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them ……………In your opinion, which one of these three acted like a neighbor toward the man attacked by the robbers?”
I think that it is rare that we feel need to look for our neighbors when we live a comfortable life among our families or close friends. Rather I often think that there are many what is given it from people to meet in our everyday life or an event to face for the question whether I am the neighbor of other people. We watch the figure of a person knowing including myself among the priest and the Levite who came out the Bible. Or we watch the figure of a person knowing in a Samaritan. Will not it be such us? We will have the choice of the way of life that we become a neighbor for nobody, but I think that then becoming tasteless as for the life.
Besides I think that other choice does not exist because the human being is existence living between the horizontal relations called the same generation and the vertical relations of the generation with the front and the back. It was with an opportunity to think about the experience of November becoming the neighbor of the persons with Fukushima nuclear plant accident radiation exposure for me and it being to the neighbor in the generation when the experience of December was born from now on.
“I met the people who emigrated to each place to avoid the radioactivity radiation exposure by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident.”
How many will there be people who are emigrate to the whole country by Fukushima nuclear ant accident to still avoid radiation exposure with spreading radioactive materials? There are people who receive radiation exposure medical treatment in Hiroshima receiving support from “the Junod” with headquarters in Fuchu, Hiroshima in those people. We lodge the family of the medical treatment in my home to support this program from the side. I want to tell you about their stories obtained by the interchange with them paying attention to their personal information.
On Saturday, November 17, five three families are living in Okayama prefecture, Hiroshima city, and the Okinawa prefecture had a medical examination on that day. I mainly interchanged with the family from the Okinawa prefecture. The family was from North Kanto and they moved to Okinawa via two places of refuge places in 2012 from March 2011. They told that there were the following subjective symptoms about a change of their physical conditions.
Readers! We always jeopardized the radiation exposure every day by from the atmosphere and food to have mind read my stories.
The symptom that was common just after their refuge was the tiredness of the body, fever, diarrhea, an itch of the skin, and sense of incongruity of the throats. Furthermore, diarrhea, fever, a nosebleed follow their later symptoms. In addition, they seemed to feel a pain of the knuckle joint and to have a chill depend on an individual. They also talked about the symptoms such as hair loss, an itch, a rash, and the bruise.
On Saturday, December 15, five two families had a medical examination from Kyoto and the Kure city on that day. The doctor explained the things which created symptoms, and which part of the body anything, radioactive material was taken in for each one after a medical examination. Furthermore, he explained the actions to be taken for those symptoms to them carefully. “The Junod” continues the follow to consulted people in consultation with the medical attendant and will perform it. ※Look at the homepage or website of “the Junod”.
It is two years from Fukushima nuclear plant accident already in another two months. The life of people turned big by a nuclear accident. For example, the people who wait for time of the return to their hometown in a refuge place, the people who were not able to rebuild their life in their hometown, the people who decided not come back to the hometown, the people who continues living a family parts, and so on. There are many people who not only the stage of the life changed, but also spoil mental and physical, and there is it.
People who we met this time had an uneasy feeling whether it improved while feeling that the physical condition was not desirable and did it counting on a doctor who treated A-bomb victims for many years of Hiroshima all the way. Half of people treated for November and December were children. Fukushima nuclear plant accident will be deeply impressed what a cruel influence on their soft heart.
I think that the situation does not improve for the better even if we remain silent. The Fukushima nuclear plant accident was recognized as “a man-made disaster” in Diet Accident Investigation Commission. Of course, as for persons concerned with electric power company which caused an accident apologizing, it is necessary to receive “hand thickness medical care not to lose time” and “compensation” because all people who suffered and damaged above all restore their life and health.
It must be carried out immediately to a minimum. However, I think that probably the people called to be an assailant do not do the action to these practices positively. The public medical support to the people that it is strongly accepted influence of the radiation exposure is continued, but there are still many people that it is not received medical support even if it passes after suffering for two years in whole country. Not only the delay of the victim’s support by the government just have begun, in authorization of past persons with radiation exposure protection, pollution and the harmful effect damage, the record of the trial that competed against many victims between assailants show the delay of those measures to us.
When we overlook that the health condition of various places exposed to radiation is not desirable, and there is it by indifference, an atmosphere of “tolerable limit” of people spreads over the society before long. Then it will come to have a loud voice, “please endure the poor physical condition,” and notification of the government, “the unbearable person submits the documents which clarified grounds that it is caused by the symptom and radiation exposure” comes to get by. I wish that my thought like this is my partial imagination. As for what I pray for, the radiation exposure symptom by the nuclear plant accident is not underestimated. These underestimated leads to re-operation of the existing nuclear power generation and new enlargement of the nuclear power generation. It will be terrible with what. A shock and the lesson of that Fukushima nuclear plant accident become already equal in nothing there to come.
Everything must not do “patience.” I hear the voices of people who spoil health by radiation exposure in such thought, and come to Hiroshima for consultation as hard as possible. And I send “their voices” by this “the Wind of Hiroshima”. I seem to be “their voices” of the people who came over to Hiroshima this time as follows:
・they want to tell the defectiveness of the physical condition to a specialist of the A-bomb victim treatment,
・they want to have a medical examination,
・they want to get advice to restore their health,
・besides, they really hope that they can get economical compensation for their medical treatment,
・and they want you to understand acuteness living a life to emigrate while having uneasiness in the future.
I convey the voices that got from an encounter by their homestay to my home for my readers and the people of the circumference from now on.
The second report is “You must not be adjusted to this scene”.
Do you think that I took these two pieces of Photographs wherever?
These pictures were taken over the guardrail of the Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport’s parking lot which opened on December 13, 2012. Taking off and landing Tokyo Haneda flights of four round trips a day to use the U.S. military Iwakuni Air Station from this airport.
※This is Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, and is a United States Marine Corps air station.
The American first occupied the base in 1950 to use it as a springboard for aircraft heading to the Korean War.
Regular commercial service started from December 13, 2012 with a civilian airport terminal built to accommodate commercial flights. The inaugural flight was operated by All Nippon Airways (ANA) from Haneda Airport, Tokyo. Also, Iwakuni Airport will be called by its official nickname “Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport”, named after the Kintaikyo bridge near the airport. (From Wikipedia)
You can see the houses and the institutions of the U.S. military officers over the border of barbed-wire entanglements from the airport parking lot.
I did not realize the trouble of people forced to the life side by side with the US base in Japan including Okinawa when there was not this experience. Besides, I am sorry for the state of the US base where “the security” of we nation is like this that it is maintained in becoming it. Do we continue such situation forever and will be good? While I took these photographs, the landing and taking off training with the U.S. military planes were carried out several times.
They secure our security with heavy-armed soldiers, weapons, and ammunitions. Something may be different from a human valid premise in this. After all we should as a human being making relations to reduce the armaments for interchange, talks, cooperation each other tenaciously. We demand politicks to try to be able to lower a deterrent not relations to compete for deterrent of the war.
Our country pushes forward the maintenance of the strong national defense power steadily until now, I think that there is one side that built the friendly relationship with China, North Korea, South Korea and Asian countries on a shield of power, balance, and a deterrent.
However, will they be good in future towards this direction? Does not this course become arms race practically Japan and Korea, Japan and North Korea, Japan and China without the end.
In reality, it may be said that they gradually bring the crisis of the military crash.
Our country pushes forward expansion of armaments more, and I think that insist on the need of “the nuclear armament” to be opposed to the nuclear power. Thus will you be good? Japan experienced miserable wars until now from the Meiji era through the Showa era. We should have learned how war was a stupid thing from these wars. We have to create our country in making use of these experiences, but the Japanese government fixes “expansion of armaments” at the root of the policy. We memorize former wars and have a duty recording it, and convey stupidity of the war in history. Therefore we must work hard to reduce US bases and the Self –Defense Forces of Japan. However, citizens use Iwaki Airport extremely for granted now. The importance will be a thing becoming higher more and more. That’s why existence of the Iwaki US base will adapt to as some civic lives for granted. “The Iwaki Kintaikyo Airport” is the opening of a part to accelerate the mutual prosperity over the fence with we citizen and the US base. We must not be adjusted to this scene in these pictures.
Citizens of Yamaguchi and citizens of Hiroshima will mainly use “the Iwaki Kintaikyo Airport” in future. Therefore, let us abandon proper consciousness with a US base. And we will take some actions so that a base for war disappears early. Then it begins to change not to move. We can give the neighbor of the next generation the peaceful world without the war by doing so it. There is the word neighborly love, but it is to regard people in the next generation as our neighbor. And we confirm it what people of the next generation expect from current us, and we have to keep it alive in our actions and choice of things.
I really expect following things for the next generation:
・Exterminate health hazard including radiation materials.
・The society which they can secure the work place, and they can design in the future.
・Minimize the debt of the country, and society with the safety net for the weak.
・Demanding deepen peace and the friendly relationship with Asian countries and the other countries, and not having armaments each other.
When I think in this way, our remark and action “will be tormented from every direction, be at
a loss, be oppressed, and be knocked down” (2 Corinthians 4:8) in actuality.
It will not be an easy thing. However it is what we are concerned with in the generation of children and grand -children and great- grand- children that we are important in these and the trace. I think about growing my back, and what the next generation expects, at first I want to do it on each day of 2013 to wrestle because I can do it of my own.
We are living and are expected by the neighbor of the same generation and the next generation. It is so to speak, a fellow. We want to come true in the way of our style “now, here”.
Thank you very much for your reading and understanding.
〔These articles are written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite Church pastor, and translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair〕
It began to change the colors of the trees in the Peace Park of Hiroshima. It is the coming of autumn. How about where you everyone lives?
This is a seminar report of “The Wind from Hiroshima” which gathered together under the 6th “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” holding in September this year.
I thought it was a seminar for me, how we live the nuclear age, and the age of the contamination caused by radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant nuclear accident.
It is a slightly long sentence, but please read. I think that I serve as reference in making the way of living and the health of readers.
このセミナー(9月15日~17日)は「核の利用に対して、どうする私たち?」をテーマにして開催されました。メノナイト2団体3教会から10名、カトリック教会から1名が参加しました。公開講座のようにしたふたつの講演、飯舘村から広島市に移住した青木達也さんの講演と、チェルノブイリ原発事故によって被曝した被災者の健康面の支援経験をもとにして福島原発事故の被曝市民を支援している「ジュノーの会」代表の甲斐 等さんの講演には市民が15名ほど参加されました。
This seminar featured the theme of “us whom we would do what for the nuclear use” and was held from 15 to 17 on September. The people from Mennonite churches and one person from the Catholic Church participated in this seminar. We carried out two open lectures or witnesses; one was a lecture of Mr. Tatsuya Aoki which evacuated from the Iidate village of the Fukushima prefecture, and the other was a lecture of Mr. Hitoshi Kai who is a representative of “the Junod Society” which supports radiation exposure citizen of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident based on support experience of the healthy improvement of a victim exposed to radiation by Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. “The Society of Junod” is a citizen group of Hiroshima working on persons with radiation exposure support of world nuclear victims, particularly the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. Approximately 15 citizens participated in these lectures.
The name of this society is associated with Swiss medical doctor Marcel Junod (1904~1961). He was the Red Cross doctor who personified “the spirit of the thing” and he was the first foreign doctor to visit Hiroshima after nuclear attack by the United States on August 1945. And he also treated patients and sent 15 tons of pharmaceutical products to there after the devastating.
「神は、そのひとり子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。ひとり子を信じる者が一人も滅びないで、永遠のいのちを得るためである。」(ヨハネによる福音書3章16節) このことばはヨハネの時から私たちの世代に至り、そして未来の世代にも受け継がれていくことだと私は信じています。この世は、つまりこの世に生きる私たちは神に愛されているのである。愛されている私たちであるから、ひとり子イエスを受け入れる者は世を愛する神に出会っていく、それが永遠のいのちを得るということではないでしょうか。そして神のおもいを知ったイエスの弟子は神とともにこの世を、世に生きる者を愛するようになります。
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life”. (John 3:16) I believe that these words are what are inherited in to our times and a future generation from the time of John. We who live in the world that is the world are loved by God. Because it is us who are loved, will not the person accepting only child Jesus be that it which meets God loving the world gets everlasting? And the disciples of Jesus who knew the thought of God become to love people living in the world with God.
Will it be to live what kind of life concretely that we love people living in the world? I report three points that I learn through this seminar for this question and thought about.
それは、梅ぼしを食べること、ドクダミ茶(ウーロン茶で割るとよい)を飲むこと、味噌を食すことの三つを欠かさないこと、加えてジュノーの会が紹介している貼薬を体のツボに貼ること。このセミナーのあとで、私は広島の被爆者の実践として玄米を食べることを教わりました。ドクダミの効用については本セミナーの被爆証言者兒玉光雄さんをはじめ複数の広島の被爆者からも裏付けとなる証言がなされています。味噌については長崎の被曝医師故秋月辰一郎さんも推奨しています。『私が、炊事に携わる人々と医療スタッフに厳しく命じたことは、塩を少しまぶした玄米のお握りと、それに味噌を多めにいれた濃い味噌汁でした。砂糖は一切使わないように指示(長崎原爆記 秋月辰一郎著)』(宝島社 世界一わかりやすい放射能の話完全対策編26頁より引用) ジュノーの会では昨年から、「梅とドクダミと味噌と貼薬」の入手を希望される福島原発被曝者に、無料でお渡ししており、受け取った方々からは健康を改善しているとの返信があるとのこと。ジュノーの会はチェルノブイリ原発事故の2年後の1988年に同原発事故による被曝者の健康面での支援する会として始まったのですが、以来24年間に亘る被曝者の健康を守るための実践から生み出されたのが「梅とドクダミと味噌と貼薬」なのです。私たちの身近にある食材です、読者のみなさんも被曝から自分の健康を守るためという理由でなくとも、体に良い食材として試してみませんか、私はお勧めさせていただきます。
At first, as for the first point, I live in remote Hiroshima nuclear power plant accident, but possibly I might be already exposed to radiation and may be exposed to radiation now. Furthermore, it may be said that I myself am exposed to radiation after this. Therefore I want to make a strong body and a life style resisting radioactivity to work in the world. That’s why I began the learning of the material taking out the radioactivity which I got into in my body.
Do you have thought that you were a person with radiation exposure? After having finished a volunteer of the relief supplies distribution to the temporary housing of the Kesennuma city in last December, I was worried about a state of the life of the Fukushima citizen on the way to Hiroshima and wanted to check it with my eyes about the radioactivity decontamination of the place where children including school grounds and the park gather, and I walked around the Fukushima city with foot by bus from the morning to the evening in December 8. I wore a mask for a cold, but think that probably I breathe in radioactive material drifting by a radiation to fly in the space, and I also breathed in the radioactive material which drifted between the sky, and the inside was exposed to radiation. I will be I was exposed to radiation, and have had a similar experience because of walking around Tokyo the next day. Not “how much” that “how long” was exposed to radiation, I want to put my matters that require attention in “having been exposed to radiation”.
In addition, there was the news that the radio cesium more than the standard values was detected by a mushroom cultivated in Miyoshi city, Hiroshima prefecture in August of this year,
And they had been already started in the store, and part seemed to be already sold, and the mushroom of non-sail was collected from the store after the detection in a hurry. When the thing exceeding the standard value that government decided circulates to consumers as for the polluted food by diffuse radioactive material by Fukushima nuclear plant accident to hear this news, and I think that it is sold consumers to be it without suffering from mesh of a net of the inspection, I think that we may have been already exposed to radiation before we notice it by eating such a thing. The government says that it is only foods less than the standard value that country decided to be sold, and there is not the influence on health promptly if you do not eat successively in larger quantities even if polluted, and in this case there is not it depending on a thing of the quantity, and I put weight in eating, and I think that myself is exposed to radiation. Even if I who is very healthy will get sick in the future and developed in a healthy obstacle, there cannot be the thing that it is proved by the government or Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare when the cause is the radiation that radioactive material taken in the body releases. When it becomes so, I am going to assert like that like that ……however.
Therefore, I oneself was already a radioactive exposure or it may be exposed to radiation from now on. Anyway how should we have started the radioactive material which was the toxin which was in the body before developing in a disease outside a body? How can even the body which has been already exposed to radiations hit the power of the body which a disease does not develop in? The practice report was made for such questions by Mr. Hitoshi Kai of the Junod Society by this seminar. This is the practice that we wanted to work on by all means in making a body resisting a radiation. I am going to call people of the circumference to practice it together from now on.
You must no miss three of the next, eating a pickled plum, drinking for example stinking noxious weed tea and you should dilute this with oolong tea, and eating miso or soybean paste. In addition, I suggest that you put the medical application which Junod Society introduces on the center trigger point of the body. After this seminar, I learned eating unpolished rice as practice of the people with radiation exposure of Hiroshima. The testimony that it becomes proof is done including persons with radiation exposure witness Mr. Mitsuo Kodama this seminar about the effect of stinking noxious weed by person of radiation exposure of other Hiroshima. Radiation exposure medical doctor, the late Mr. Shinichiro Akiduki of Nagasaki recommends it about miso or soybean paste, too. “What I gave people that engaged in cooking and the medical staff in order for strictly was a rice ball of the unpolished rice which covered with some salt and then the strong miso soup which put miso paste in a little too much, and I directed the sugar not to use at all”. (The description of Nagasaki Atom bomb written by Shinichiro Akiduki: the quotation from 26pages of complete measures of the story of the world’s most plain radioactivity which was published by Takarajima publishing company.)
The Junod Society hands it to people with radiation exposure of Fukushima hoped for acquisition of a set of a plum, a stinking noxious weed, miso and the medical application from last year for free. Replies of the improvement of the health arrive from the people who received them. The Junod Society began in 1988 two years after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident as the organization which supported the health of the nuclear plant accident victims. Thereafter it is “a plum and a stinking noxious weed, miso and medical application” that was proved by practice to follow the health of the nuclear plant accident victims for 24 years. All these are our imminent foods. Don’t you try it as the food which is good for a body for the reason of readers protecting your health from radiation exposure even if there is not it? I recommend it to you.
※You can look at the activity to search it in “the Junod Society (Fuchu, Hiroshima)” on a homepage. You can do participation about action to protect the health of the victims by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident. I begin with the matter to have. Please refer to Ishiya.
The second point is that a tool creating peace cannot the existence include “a nuclear weapon” or “the nuclear power generation”. Because a nuclear weapon is weapon of mass destruction to life and it is because of making much radiation exposure victims. This is world common sense. “The nuclear power generation” makes steam by heat and steam turns a turbine and makes electricity, but it is world common sense that continues producing waste starting a radiation in total.
Radiation exposure witness Mr. Mitsuo Kodama by the seminar is exposed to radiation at the age of 12 years old in a junior high school building approximately 850m from the blast center in Hiroshima and he recovered after a two-month fight against illness by radiation damage, but would have the abnormality of a remarkable chromosome by a radiation. And he spends days to fight against cancer which he is over 60 years old, and occurred to a different organ now.
Another witness Mr. Aoki is that a nuclear plant accident happened, and in the house where he lived in, it was that a highly concentrated radiation pollution area, that’s why he emigrated from Fukushima to Hiroshima with five families in last June, and they right push forward their life rebuilding now. Mr. Aoki is afraid that their children become sick under the influence of their living in Iidate village by June 1 from March 11 of the last year.
I think that nobody can assert that the nuclear plant accident with the healthy damage caused by such a radiation never happens. The nuclear power plant is in each Asian country, and there is it in the world each place. Who of us Japanese can assert with safety there? When the tragic incident such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident occurs once, the radioactive material is carried to everywhere Japan under influence of a flow of the atmosphere and the seawater and pollutes fish and the soil, and not only local people but also we all Japanese will eat the crop and blessing of the sea polluted by radioactivity. In addition, it is thought that we are exposed to radiation by eating food imported from the whole world. The nuclear power generation that it is difficult for a human being to manage it, Chernobyl, Fukushima and a catastrophe continue. And I think that a human being must not have the use of the nuclear power plant because of giving radiation and continue to hold the nuclear waste product, like a nuclear weapon.
The material which gives a radiation by all means if a human being is going to use a nucleus namely dangerous nuke waste is made. The safe management of this waste has only a method to deposit deep in the ground so that a human being is not polluted by a radiation. We must not hand dangerous nuke waste to descendants. I hear that the temporary safe keeping place of nuke waste becomes full soon. Furthermore, I hear the “Nuclear Fuel Cycle” enterprise which makes nuclear material plutonium from spent nuclear fuel if there is not yet foreseeing it of coming true. Let’s do “the business made with the nuclear waste which continues giving a radiation of the fear” to be already over in our time. And I think that we should wrestle already how deposit the waste which has made deep in the ground to reduce the burden on later generation now.
イエスは言われた。「心を尽くし、精神を尽くし、思いを尽くして、あなたの神である主を愛しなさい。これがもっとも重要な第一の掟である。第二もこれと同じように重要である。隣人を自分のように愛しなさい。」 みなさん、自分を愛すること、隣人を愛することに思いを尽くそうではありませんか。それが
I learned that we should not hands-off involving the life of our third point. First, I think that we understood each other, the importance of mutual trust each other, with that in mind, I think that we do not neglect to usually analyze information with critical posture against about the announcement of the government, remark of the experts and the news of the media. And then I think that we should learn precise information following: Is it true that they say? Is not it announced to be convenient for them? May they do not be yet informed of it to us? Are not there the different opinions? Much history that we citizen learned up to the present day shows the lesson how important it is to keep our life in us. For example, the following the things are recalled; the announcing the Imperial Headquarters which did not convey a fact at the time of the war of the Showa era, there having been the times when they did not recognize pollution as the responsibility of a government and the companies, reality not to change in a course to reduce even if a US base of Okinawa passes after return for 40 years, the Diet accident investigation commission concludes Fukushima nuclear plant accident to be “a man-made disaster” called atom village by Tokyo Electric Company and the persons concerned.
In addition, the government, administration and experts delay the refuge of inhabitants by this nuclear plant accident, and it is clear to have reducing the refuge range.
By the way, they are not taking the action that made civic life have top priority for politics, following inaction and negligence, slackness, an organization and the system to miss it, and it gets by to draw close near a person with power.
Mr. Aoki just waited for the evacuation directive from the government and the village authorities, and during until the setting of the premeditated refuge area by the government of April 11, he was talked about the useless regrets that had been exposed to radiation by this seminar. Why has the evacuation directive to the polluted Iidate village of the high radiation been late like this? I think it is terrible if it could reduce the confusion that the government than protecting the lives of citizens, and if there was a judgment that they could do it by evasion by responsibility on the pretext of that they could not prove the healthy damage caused by the radiation later.
It was made think that support matched advice for it by scholars of order of the Atomic Kamura (that expresses magazines, ministries and government offices, the companies which are going to promote atomic energy policy in a bundle.)
If is so; I think that the deep regret was beyond cure, but how do all of you think? At all events, I take regrets of Mr. Aoki like my thing and assume it a lesson and learn by to protect my life and obtain information by myself, and it is important at all to think about the action that we should take by ourselves. We do not leave that we keep our life to others including the government, administration and the experts. I was strong, and I thought so that one’s life must hand down that we protected it by oneself in a later generation.
At the time of the great tsunami, there are most of the inhabitants including primary school children and the junior high students who practiced a legend of “tsunami tendenko” coming to the Sanriku district of Tohoku, and saved own lives. It is said as follows interpreting this as a disaster prevention lesson. If ”a tsunami comes, the take does not pay attention to blood relationship first of all either, and you are alone at all separately respectively, and escape each to the hill”, and “protect your life by yourself”. Therefore school children began refuge towards a direction high immediately before an evacuation directive was given by teachers of the school. It is the lesson that have been inherited it is alone, and to reduce a human being dying of a tsunami you determine where oneself runs away to, and to act immediately. We will make use of mind of “tsunami tendenko” shown on March 11, 2011, so to speak, “it is keep your life tendenko”. About what to do, you must wrestle with spirit so as to have been reborn we not forget the importance of trusting a human being, but to keep your life, our life and my life by oneself. We experienced a big natural disaster and also a man-made disaster as never before. I feel that we must not soak in a thought stop carefree of the leaving all to others to the full like that.
Jesus answered. ”You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘You must love your neighbors as yourself’”. (Matthew 22:37-39) Everyone, we will make thought for loving a thing, the neighbors who love oneself. I believe that it is to love God.
It is that above three points were given as suggestions from these to my real life by this seminar.
〔These articles are written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite Church pastor, and translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair.〕
また、1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故後、現地市民が被っている疾患について学び、これをもとに福島原発事故による住民の健康面への影響について知りたい。 講師として1988年よりチェルノブイリ原発事故被曝者に医療支援を行ってきた「ジュノーの会」より代表甲斐 等さんから報告していただく。
12:00 参加者は昼食を済ませて、発達ルーム「そら」に集合
平和記念資料館東館の地下にある会議室に移動して被爆証言 13時~
証言者 兒玉光雄さん 12歳のとき雑魚場町(現在の国泰寺町1丁目)で被爆。放射線障害により2ヵ月間寝込んだ。
9:30 発達ルーム「そら」に集合
11:00 放射能汚染地域飯舘村から避難、広島に移住した青木達也さんのお話
14:00 チェルノブイリ原発事故、福島原発事故による被曝者の健康面での支援活動からの報告
報告者 ジュノーの会代表 甲斐 等さん
16:30 参加者で話し合い
9:30 発達ルーム「そら」に集合
12:00 解散
Hiroshima Report No.4 “Peace Prayer in Hiroshima”
It was summer of too hot Hiroshima. Still it becomes around the end of August and comes to feel the cool early morning at night. Now will be the place of all of you?
August 6 of the 67th year was on that day same Monday from that day.
At 8:15 of the day of the beginning of the early week, already in the city center, inhabitants of Hiroshima and military men gathered from the whole country, and adults and children mobilized for (building evacuation) breaking housing, and to make large vacant gathered lot.
In addition, many people left the mother country including persons commandeered from the Korean Peninsula and lived in the city at the time. These people bombed with an atomic bomb follow what leaders of the country decided. And they lost the future by atom bomb throwing down.
Many people prayed for nuclear disarmament and world peace and gathered in A-Bomb Dome and Peace Park this year too. I think that it is to make use of a past if we are going to make peace. If we make use of a past called the war at the present and are going to make peace, we act in obtaining extensive information for rolling it up to security, abolition of the nuclear power generation or promotion, or people of other next generation as sovereign by oneself and judge it from oneself, and we sometimes to go outside, and will not it be important to express one’s opinion for the government and city administration?
It is to do from that we sovereign concretely to report the voice of the nation who is sovereign to politicians and the bureaucracy.
When it does not mean that carrying out the responsibility to the next generation only in obeying what a country decided, I feel it to see the acting of the government and the nuclear power generation promotion side from Fukushima nuclear plant accident to Ohi Nuclear Power Plant re-operation.
※The Ohi Nuclear Power Plant is located in the town of Ohi, Fukui Prefecture, managed by the Kansai Electric Power Company.
It is a custom our church members gather in the Motoyasugawa bank of river drifting to the east side of Peace Park in the evening of this day every year, and to pray for peace.
〔写真:灯篭流し:Floating of lanterns by the Aioi-hashi under a bridge flow that became the atom bomb throwing down target 〕
【About a seminar gathering under the sixth “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” in 2012】
We start the peace seminar mentioned the title above on September 15 in Hiroshima for three days until 17, and the contents of the learning are as follows this year:
Under the Fukushima prefecture, many people still live with having uneasiness of outside radiation exposure and the internal radiation exposure. There are people who decided “not to come back” to avoid radiation exposure in the refugee, people living assuming coming home in a temporary house and people who cannot decide it in either, and hesitate. In addition, there are separate people choosing among families.
The pollution with the radiation exposure by the nuclear plant accident and the radiation material destroys the life of inhabitants and takes prospect of the coming life away from them, and even inhabitants calling oneself with refugees exist among them. It is that I cannot stand and is really serious as for the situation truly that there is it in this as myself same Japanese.
We invite Mr. Mitsuo Kodama as a radiation exposure witness this year on the first day of this seminar too. We ask him about his step that lived a postwar life while having an exposure and disease exposed to the situation at the time of the atom bomb throwing down of “an atomic bomb, the Don” and radiation by him. In addition, we observe the peaceful museum and learn about the relation between radiation exposure does of radioactivity and healthy obstacle in particular.
The radiation exposure by the nuclear plant accident progresses in Fukushima and has top priority in checking influence on citizen’s health, and this is a problem of the urgent need now. We invite Mr. Tatsuya Aoki who emigrated to Hiroshima City from the Iidate village of Fukushima prefecture to avoid the radiation exposure of a family, the child and, on the seminar second day, hear his story about the present conditions of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant victim. In knowing reality that inhabitants are forced to by a nuclear plant accident slightly deeply for our “nucleus” stand, and check a position, and will deepen it.
In addition, after Chernobyl nuclear plant accident of 1986, we learn about the disease that a local citizen takes and want to know the influence on health of the inhabitants by the Fukushima nuclear plant accident based on this. Therefore, we invite the representative Hiroshi Kai of “the Junod Society” which performed medical support to Chernobyl nuclear plant accident victims from 1988 as a lecture and report the support situation in Chernobyl.
In the Junod Society, they do activity to send “Umedomi” which is made of a pickled plum and a stinking noxious weed and miso or bean paste and works to enhance the excretion function of the human body, to make a place of the medical support and rest after Fukushima nuclear plant accident.
We talk about our posture on the nuclear use as things mentioned above after having done the learning of two days. We prepare for proposal to think about this from a viewpoint of Mennonite. We want to share “Mennonite” and “Hiroshima” that participant each raises through discussions and interchanges while we share these learning.
〔These articles are written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor, and translated by Tkanori Sasaki of JMF chair. 〕
少女を残して家族が全員死亡したということをまだ知らされていない祖父「知らせなくてもいいことまでマスコミに知らせたのがそもそも間違いだった。( 略 )そんなことさえしなければ、こんなにヒステリーが生じることもないし、誇張やプロパガンダにまどわされることもなかった。( 略 )原子炉の内側のことやレムだのベクレルだのについて知る必要がどこにある? 結局はなんにもわかりっこないんだ。( 略 )今回も政治家たちが内密にしてさえすれば、きっとシュリッツでも事故のことなど全く気づかないですんだに違いないし、鼻を突っ込むマスコミの連中もいなかっただろうに」
Hiroshima Report No.3 “The Invisible Cloud”
I read “the invisible cloud” which translated and was published by Yumiko Takada in Japan, which published in former West Germany in the next year of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in April, 1986.
This novel is the fiction which described several months when girl Hannah experienced it by a nuclear accident in West Germany. While losing parents and a younger brother, and it is helped by neighboring people while developing in oneself under influence by the radioactive exposure, the figure of the girl who begins to think about whether the human being can coexist with nuclear power generation is drawn vividly. It is introduced that this novel is read in Germany by many adults and children and becomes the teaching materials of the primary and secondary school by a translator.
The scene remembering me most is the scene where grandparents talk with the girl who did not meet with a nuclear plant accident by having traveled several months after an accident.
The grandfather who is not yet informed of leaving the girl and all the family died. He says, “In the first place it was a mistake to have told the media to what we did not need to inform. (Abbreviation) It has it so that hysteria occurs if they do not do even such a thing, and we did not need to be confused by an exaggeration and propaganda. (Abbreviation) Where is need to know the inside thing of the nuclear reactor and rem or Becquerel? (Abbreviation) Politicians if they keep quite this thing again, I think it must be done not aware of anyone at all, such as the accident even Schlitz surely, it would be better if there are some guys media to put their nose to the accident it to.” The grandmother nodded beside him while hearing it.
※Schlitz is a small town in the Vogelsberkreis in eastern Hesse, Germany.
Hannah took the hat slowly, and she has begun to talk about from that day when she fixed straight her eyes on grandparents.
For the words of the grandfather of this scene, I couldn’t but reflect one’s negligence that did not think about nuclear power generation, and Hannah said it, “negligence to such a social movement produced present me.”, her words that talked while wiping the hat which covered the head which the hair came out of in front of grandfather calmly were the scenes which right conveyed her real intention to her grandparents, to readers, and to me.
In particular, I was thrust the importance of the thing at. In addition, it was the scene where I was a reader was considered to be the person concerned at one sweep.
Through the whole, I am touched by a scene to pedal it by bicycle desperately so that a girl and a young brother escape from approaching radiological mixed clouds.
The price of this book is for Syogakukan library of Japan is 780 yen. In addition, you can watch even DVD because it was filmed into a movie.
※”Die Wolke” written by Gudrun Pausewang (which is also available in English translation under title, “Fall-Out” in 1987), which has also been made into a movie. Among her favorite topics are environment problems, social and nuclear issue as well as the developing world.
After reading, I have been back and forth around and around while around her afterword of the second edition translator Yumiko Takada of pocket edition June 2011.
Until a day of Fukushima of March 11, 2011, Ms. Takada regrets what oneself would do it after her translate it in 1987 and publishing it. She was going to think about a thing whether the human being could coexist with nuclear power generation once. However …….
“I intended to keep the uneasiness to a nuclear plant accident in a heart, and my consciousness has faded with progress of the time. I thought that I must not forget to forger it some other time. Memory and consciousness always have to update them.” she reflects.
I think that this reflection is not only Ms. Takada and is myself and decides in the future and must take this lesson to my heart.
I wish that I want to share the importance of “updating memory” with all of you who read this sentence. An A-bomb was dropped on the center of Hiroshima City for the first time in the world for the purpose of killing and wounding human beings sixty-seven years ago. And the people who survived until today decided daily for fight with disease by the radiation damage afterwards. It will be you, carrying it on your back once by having memorized this and to have thought about a thing called the war, the use of the nuclear weapon. A certain person will be what you strongly decided to work on nuclear weapon extinction definitely. Is your feeling at that time that the “memory” is made use of in your present day? I feel that it is necessary “to try to update memory and consciousness.”
When I walk Peace Park and stand still in front of the A-bomb Dome, the place speaks to me by all means what it is. I feel that it is time when I update memory and determination.
The persons who want to visit Hiroshima City among all of you who read the story on August 6 of this year tell you about the information of the atom bomb connection institution if there.
Please inquire without reserve. Thank you very much for your reading my story.
Hiroshima Report No.2 “Prayer for Peace”
The cherry blossom forecast of Hiroshima is April 1, but for how would you do your places? It has been one after to East Japan Disaster, and I think they had various gathering or meeting is the district of Tohoku or the northeast of Japan and all in Japan too.
I heard a story of people who have been in the family moved to Hiroshima before last summer from Iidate Village, Fukushima Prefecture on March 10 and 11 this year. Listening to the story of the family, I was able to know the people living in the high radiation areas forced to tension and how hard their daily lives.
I decided to find out how high it is compared with that of the Hiroshima radiation and of Fukushima radiation for that. Then I have tried to make a year in terms of the amount of environmental radiation in the atmosphere of the prefectural capital nationwide radiation monitoring information based on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan has published a daily basis level environmental radioactivity survey results.
This data is measurements on March 8 this year appeared March 11, morning newspaper Mainichi.
For example, on this day, per hour, 1.115 micro Sievert of Fukushima city, and 0.084 micro Sievert of Hiroshima city. I was assigned in 1000mrem Siebert value calculated by multiplying this number 24 hours and 365 days.
Fukushima was about 9.76mSv, the city of Hiroshima was 0.73mSv then. Although this is in terms of simple, given that limit the amount of man-made radiation the general public may be exposed to one year is 1mSv, continue to live in Fukushima and still, anxiety people who have been moved from the village Iidate feel they have not help but imagine the tension and anxiety of the people.
On this occasion, how do you try comparing the numerical value of Fukushima city and live in own your city? I would like to imagine the feeling of people living under the influence of nuclear power plant crisis.
In the first report, after the September 11, 2001, I mentioned that the desire for peace by citizens of Prayer has been held in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome in every Wednesday evening.
〔See the above photo of February 29 this time, we prayed together while listening to music performance by members on this day. 〕
On March 19, we members of Japan Mennonite Fellowship (JMF) is set to Hiroshima, we talked about the relief assistance activities of East Japan Disaster in 2012. It is expected about this detailed report is made to the Mennonite church and BIC Japan church nationwide from JMF chairman at a later date, you also mention our web site.
The day of the vernal equinox on March 20 the next day, I guided to the Hiroshima Peace Park JMF three committee members. Starting from Atom Bomb Dome, I was allowed a description of the Child’s Peace monument and other monuments in the Peace Park.
We talked about not anybody using the nuclear weapons, and how do we have to tell as many people to think of ourselves rooted in the faith while visiting the monuments. And we also talk about it called “hibakusha” in the case of nuclear power plants in operation,
during inspections, be exposed to radiation by the accident as”hibakusha” notation is also to be, something in three words inJapanese.
※We use two different Kanji or Chinese character and Katakana the word “hibakusha” in Japanese. Hibakusha literally translates “explosion – affected people”. The “hibakusha” will be expressed two words in Japanese. One is a person who has received a direct attack on a nuclear bomb. Another is a person is not received the direct damage, but exposed to residual radioactivity associated with the nuclear explosion.
We have now to bring back to each of these questions. Thank you very much for reading so far. So enjoy the trust to No.3 Hiroshima Report.
(Written by Tadayuki Ishiya of Hiroshima Mennonite church pastor)
(Translated by Takanori Sasaki of JMF chair)
Let’s Pray for Peace!
広島メノナイト・キリスト教会 牧師石谷忠之
“The Wind From Hiroshima”
Tadayuki Ishiya, Hiroshima Mennonite Church
Hiroshima Report No.1 “Prayer for Peace”
September 11, 2001, after the terrorist attacks using aircrafts to the World Trade Center in New York, we several citizens of Hiroshima gathered in front of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial or Atomic Bomb Dome and has started “the meeting of prayer for 30 minutes” at 6:30p.m. every Wednesday .
It was the desire of want to have a relation with people trying to make peace in the world. It became 10 years this year. I am one of the members of the gathering of prayer, too. During these times,
unfortunately the war in Iraq, Afghanistan war, and the Middle East and North Africa such as the struggle for democratization, and the blood of many people in many parts of the world by force and violence.
And that’s why, we the citizens of Hiroshima are not discouraged and gathered in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome, and we continue to have a time of prayer. The Circle of Prayer is a place for not forget the heart of peace,
there was also a place importance the life of our irreplaceable.
People of Japan and people of overseas came to visit the Peace Park joined our Circle of Prayer, they often spent meditation together with us the time only got the convenience of them, too. Some people willing to leave the words were good to have met in this place.
I don’t know when the coming of a peaceful world like we have hope. I am fully aware of the fact that the advent of that day is still distant. And that’s why we have prayed that prayer so as not to wish while everyone in the world can enjoy the peace that endures, so as to widen the circle of prayer.
And this meeting of prayer has reached 11 years this year. Our meeting of prayer has the silence and prayer throughout the day,
the day of musical performance, and the day of interaction with travelers. Everyone who read this story, when you travel to Hiroshima, let us have moments of prayer together. Let us pray for peace!
〔The photo below is preparing to begin a prayer meeting.〕
(Written by Tadayuki Ishiya who is a pastor of HiroshimaMennonite Church)
(Translated by Tkanori Sasaki of JMF chair)